Beneath Silent Windows
A back alley encounter between a young artist and an unlikely purse snatcher.
Starring Mark Templin and Lexie Berkin
Hair and Makeup and Production Support: Julie Meikle
The idea for this film hit me when I read an article in the news about a woman who had challenged a young man who had tried to steal her purse. This lead to me speculating on the idea of an unlikely purse snatcher which evolved into this film. My niece Lexie expressed an interest to try some acting so it was great to work with her. Her mom Julie came on set and helped with the makeup and just kept things positive and upbeat. Mark was a guy I met through a casting call and I was really impressed with both his performance and his feedback and insights in to the character. We shot parts of this film in the alley behind my apartment building and a few months later one of the tenants who had watched the shoot from his window commented on the great job that both cast did in the alley way scene.
I always enjoy making the se type of simple films and the setup is quite common for a lot of my narrative shoots. Two or three cast members, a slice of life narrative and the ability to get the shoot done easily within one day. It makes for a fun and relaxed creative experience.
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